50 Years of Care - CatholicCare's 50th Anniversary Commemorative Video

Описание к видео 50 Years of Care - CatholicCare's 50th Anniversary Commemorative Video

As we close out 2024 and start to wrap up our anniversary celebrations, we wanted to leave you with one little extra memento that helps us to reflect on our 50-year journey and how we have become the wonderful organisation CatholicCare Central Queensland is today.

Highlighting our history and growth, and celebrating our spirit of care and community, this video recognises the commitment that defines us and the strong community we've built together.

To our clients, community and staff... thank you for being part of our CatholicCare story.

Here’s to continuing Sr. Anne-Marie and Fr. Frank's incredible legacy

Shot and edited in-house by the CatholicCare Communications Team:
Danielle Mitchell, Stuart Harcourt & Kirsten Markey


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