Amtrak SB

Описание к видео Amtrak SB

From February 1st, 2022. Haven’t seen Amtrak southbound train #303 from Chicago to St. Louis like this since forever. So glad I had the day off work today to be able to see it. It’s my pleasure to be able to share this with you all today. After watching Amtrak eastbound train #314 arrive and depart kirkwood station after 1:30 pm, I drove to downtown Saint Louis to Cerre street and got there in plenty of time to see and shoot this cool video of Amtrak southbound Lincoln service train #303 arriving into its final station stop of St. Louis gateway station from Chicago well ahead of schedule. Todays Amtrak #303 is led by a Siemens charger engine #4624, then an amfleet I cafe car up front for food and beverage service, then behind it is an all solid consist of Amtrak’s new Midwest Siemens venture coaches numbered in the 4000 series. It’s obvious due to the amfleet cafe car on this train that amtrak does not have any of the new Siemens Midwest Venture cafe/lounge cars on its roster yet but hopefully we will be seeing those soon. This train showed arriving into Saint Louis at 2:28 pm 22 minutes early. I also watched amtrak #304 the northbound Lincoln service train depart out of St. Louis gateway station right on time at 3:00 pm going back to Chicago and it also had one of the new Siemens 4000 series venture coaches on the very end of it today too plus 5 regular amtrak passenger cars for a total of 6 cars but sorry to say, I didn’t get any video of it. Hope you all like this video of mine. Feel free to give it a thumbs up and comment on it too if you would like to. Enjoy! Jason.


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