Getting Started with Gutenberg in Drupal, 1.7: Handling Images in Gutenberg

Описание к видео Getting Started with Gutenberg in Drupal, 1.7: Handling Images in Gutenberg

The Gutenberg editor for Drupal offers drag-and-drop functionality for adding images to your content.

However, it lacks a crucial feature: automatic media entity creation in Drupal. This can lead to issues when reusing images across your Drupal site.

The solution is simple!

When you install Media and Media Library, you can automatically create media entities by dropping images and files into Gutenberg.

Here's how it works:

1️⃣ Install Media and Media Library Modules: Navigate to the "Extend" section in your Drupal admin panel and install both the Media and Media Library modules. This lays the foundation for managing media assets effectively.

2️⃣ Drag and Drop Images in Gutenberg: Head back to your Gutenberg editor.

When you drag and drop an image into your content, Drupal automatically creates both a file entity and a media entity. This means your image is readily available for reuse throughout your Drupal site.

3️⃣ Access and Manage Media: To view and manage your media assets, go to the "Content" section and click on the new "Media" tab.

Here, you'll find a user-friendly interface for organizing, editing, and reusing your media entities.

Benefits of using Media and Media Library with Gutenberg in Drupal:

➡️ Reusability: Easily reuse images across different content types and sections of your Drupal site.

➡️ Centralized Management: Organize and manage all your media assets in one central location.

➡️ Flexibility: Leverage Drupal's powerful media management capabilities, including image styles and cropping tools.

Integrating Gutenberg with Drupal's Media and Media Library modules allows you to streamline your content creation process and ensure efficient media asset management.

NOTE: This video is a snippet from the "Getting Started with Gutenberg (Block Editor) in Drupal" live stream. ⬇️ The full video link is in the comments below.

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