Palagruža - Prid Neveru

Описание к видео Palagruža - Prid Neveru

Palagruza, Croatia.
Vijađ Šoltana, sa vrićon mandarinih, tećon sarmi i harmonikon, na Palagružu.

Palagruža (Palagruza) je uski klisurasti greben u smjeru istok-zapad, većinom s nedostupnim strmim obalama i dvije manje pješčane uvale, Zola na jugu i Stara Vlaka na sjeverozapadu.
Arheološki nalazi dokazuju da je Palagruža bila naseljena još od postglacijala pred nekih 9.000 godina, a u srednjem vijeku tu je bio samostan čije su ruševine na srednjem sedlu otoka i sada vidljive. Na Palagruži danas stalno borave svjetioničari tvrtke Plovputa. Povremeni stanovnici su komiški ribari koji na tom području ribare još od 14. stoljeća.

Palagruža je nekad bila jedna od najizdašnijih pozicija za izlov male plave ribe (srdela, inćun). Danas se plava riba i dalje lovi ali u manjim količinama, a ribari se na tom području uglavnom bave izlovom jastoga i bijele (oborite) ribe.

Palgruza (Palagruža) is a small, remote Croatian archipelago in the middle of the Adriatic Sea. It is visible from land only from other remote islands of Italy and Croatia. Palagruža is further south than the mainland peninsula of Prevlaka, making it the southernmost point of the Republic of Croatia.[3] It is uninhabited, except by lighthouse staff and occasional summer tourists. It can be reached only by a chartered motorboat, requiring a journey of two to three hours from the island of Korčula.

For some, Palagruža is associated with the Homeric hero Diomedes, King of Argos, who is reputed to be buried here, though it is hard to imagine where. Speculation is fueled by the discovery of a painted 6th-century BC Greek potsherd with the name Diomed[es] on it (see image on Adriatica), making a shrine by the Cult of Diomedes on Palagruža seem plausible. Authentic archaeological finds of the Neolithic, Greek, Roman, and early medieval periods have been recorded.


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