The Presocratic Philosophers: Who is... Anaximander

Описание к видео The Presocratic Philosophers: Who is... Anaximander

The first Ancient Greek Philosopher to leave us some writings, Anaximander is the second pre-socratic philosopher from Miletus that I'll cover on this channel. This video will give an introduction to his ideas.

1. Kirk, G.S., Raven, J.E. and Schofield, M., “The Presocratic Philosophers (Second Edition)”, Cambride University Press, 1983
2. Curd, Patricia, "Presocratic Philosophy", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =
3. Nietzsche, F., “Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks”, Regnery, 1998
4. Laertius, D., (Yonge, C.D. [Translation]) “The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers” Project Gutenberg, 2018, URL =

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