Little Joey Farr - "I Want a Big White Cadillac for Christmas" (Kangaroo, 1960)

Описание к видео Little Joey Farr - "I Want a Big White Cadillac for Christmas" (Kangaroo, 1960)

The flipside to "Rock'n'Roll Santa," issued by the small Kangaroo Records out of Houston, Texas. (See the video for that song for more about the label and 45.)

Also written by Joey's dad, Tony Farr, I like the sentiment behind this one. Is Joey asking Santa what he wants for Christmas? Yes and no. What he wants is for his MOM to get a Cadillac. A big white Cadillac, to be specific. It's the spirit of giving after all! If only this record had been the hit it deserved, maybe she would have gotten that Cadillac. But I guess we'll never know...


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