Retire with Confidence: Wade Pfau's Safety-First Approach

Описание к видео Retire with Confidence: Wade Pfau's Safety-First Approach

[141] – Everyone wants to feel a sense of safety with their retirement plan. That’s why Wade Pfau wrote Safety-First Retirement Planning to help you understand and prioritize safety in your retirement planning process.

In this episode, Jeremy Keil speaks with Wade Pfau, Ph.D., CFA, RICP, Founder of Retirement Researcher and professor of retirement income at the American College, about safety-first retirement planning. Wade details what safety-first retirement planning is and explains why it’s an important starting point for retirement planning.

Wade discusses:

→ What the 4 different retirement styles are
→ What a safety-first retirement plan is
→ Why delaying Social Security is the best annuity you can buy
→ His research about when to claim Social Security
→ How you can give yourself a better probability of success in retirement
→ How his retirement income dashboard helps people make retirement choices
→ And more
Maximize Your Retirement Income!
Lower Your Lifetime Tax Bill
Avoid Mistake with Your Pension
Get the Most out of Social Security

Don’t miss out on the money you deserve in retirement – just because you got the timing wrong!

If you’re trying to find the answers to these questions:
- How do I get the most money out of my Social Security & Pension?
- How do I lower my lifetime tax bill?
- How do I turn my $500k+ retirement savings into retirement income?
Then schedule an intro call with the team at Keil Financial Partners:

Jeremy Keil, aka “Mr. Retirement” and Keil Financial Partners offer retirement planning services focused on retirement income and tax planning, Social Security and pension claiming decisions, health & life insurance analysis and estate planning strategies.
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