BQ. | Who are University Wits? Assess the contribution of the University Wits to English drama.

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BQ1. Who are the University wits? Discuss their contribution to English drama.

Who are University Wits? Assess the contribution of the University Wits to English drama.

বেচারা গুলোর নাম মনে রাখার একটা সহজ টেকনিক আছে।

টেকনিক: কিড (বাচ্চা) মরল গ্রীন লজে, লিলি পিলি নাচে।
জি বাংলা শব্দ টা ৪-৫ বার জোরে জোরে বলে মুখস্থ করে ফেলুন।

প্রথমে ইউনিভার্সিটি wit বলতে কী বোঝায় সেটি লিখতে হবে, তারপর প্রত্যেকের নাম এবং সংক্ষিপ্ত পরিচয়।
সবশেষে সাহিত্যে তাদের অবদান লিখব।

The University Wits were a group of playwrights and poets in the late 16th century who were educated at the universities of Oxford or Cambridge. They played a significant role in shaping English drama before William Shakespeare became famous. Here’s an easy-to-understand look at who they were and what they did.

Who Were the University Wits?

I. Christopher Marlowe: He is perhaps the most famous of the University Wits. Marlowe wrote plays like "Doctor Faustus" and "Tamburlaine." His works were known for their powerful, poetic language and bold characters.

II. Thomas Kyd: Known for writing "The Spanish Tragedy," Kyd’s work was full of action and suspense. This play was very popular and influenced many other playwrights.

III. Robert Greene: Greene wrote plays such as "Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay." He was also known for his pamphlets and stories. Greene was one of the earliest critics of Shakespeare.

IV. George Peele: Peele wrote a variety of plays, including "The Old Wives' Tale." He was known for his ability to mix comedy and drama in his works.

V. Thomas Nashe: Nashe wrote "Summer's Last Will and Testament" and was also known for his satirical works. He collaborated with other writers and was good at creating lively dialogue.

VI. John Lyly: Lyly wrote plays like "Endymion" and "Gallathea." His style was very elegant and he often wrote about romantic and mythical subjects.

VII. Thomas Lodge: Known for his play "The Wounds of Civil War," Lodge also wrote many romantic stories and poems.

Their Contribution to English Drama:

I. Introduction of Blank Verse: The University Wits were instrumental in popularizing blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter) in English drama. Christopher Marlowe, in particular, used it effectively in his plays. This form of writing allowed for greater expression and was later adopted by Shakespeare.

II. Complex Characters: Before the University Wits, many plays had simple, straightforward characters. The Wits introduced more complex and well-rounded characters. For example, Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus is a character with deep desires and tragic flaws.

III. Mix of Genres: They were not afraid to mix comedy and tragedy in their plays. This made the plays more engaging and closer to real life, where happy and sad moments often mix together.

IV. Historical and Classical Themes: The University Wits often drew on classical and historical themes for their plays. This made their works rich in content and often educational. For instance, Marlowe’s "Tamburlaine" is about a historical conqueror, and Peele's plays often included mythical elements.

V. Use of Poetry: They elevated the language of the stage by using poetic techniques. Their plays were not just about telling a story; they also aimed to create beautiful and powerful language. Marlowe’s famous line from "Doctor Faustus," “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?” is a good example.

VI. Improved Storytelling: The Wits worked on creating more structured and compelling plots. They moved away from the simpler, episodic nature of earlier plays and created stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

VII. Influence on Shakespeare: The work of the University Wits had a big influence on William Shakespeare. Many of the techniques and styles they developed can be seen in Shakespeare’s plays. For example, the complex characters, use of blank verse, and mix of comedy and tragedy are all things Shakespeare adopted and perfected.

VIII. Professional Theatre: They helped in the transition from amateur performances (often done by students or noblemen) to professional theatre. This meant that acting became a profession, and more sophisticated and polished productions could be staged. The University Wits often worked with the emerging professional theatre companies of the time.

In summary, the University Wits were a group of educated playwrights who made major contributions to English drama. They introduced new styles of writing, created complex characters, mixed genres, and used beautiful poetic language. Their work set the stage for future playwrights like Shakespeare and helped establish the professional theatre. Their innovations in drama are still appreciated and studied today.


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