Go Beyond Nutrition and Exercise | Part 1 Interview with David Greenwalt

Описание к видео Go Beyond Nutrition and Exercise | Part 1 Interview with David Greenwalt


We live in a world of constant demands. Where do we get our "why power" to make better decisions? Many of us overconsume ultra-processed foods to the point that it becomes addictive without even knowing. The new normal in America is soon to be obesity. Do you want to be "Normal"? 
David walks us through how we got to the dilemma we have had with nutrition and exercise over the years. With nearly 43% of the US being obese, how do we make the right changes for the last time?
This episode discusses foods, your "why power," intermittent fasting, and protein!  The conversation was so good that we had to make two parts out of the interview!
Visit David Greenwalt on Linkedin,  or visit LLUniversity.com for more information. 
For more information, please contact us at EliteBenefits.net 708-535-3006


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