The Danube: River of Life

Описание к видео The Danube: River of Life

Religious, scientific, environmental and political leaders travel the Danube from Passau, Germany, to its delta on the Black Sea and explore the common ground between pragmatic environmental issues and the spiritual dimensions of nature.

In the aftermath of the conflict in the former Republic of Yugoslavia, the challenge of protecting and improving the condition of the Danube has become even more urgent. This film focuses attention on the impacts of war, urban development, industrialization, shipping and agriculture and what can be done to restore the Danube River.The symposium on which the film is based generated strong media attention and inspired significant new initiatives in the region.

"We stood before the bridges of Novi Sad and implored God--in the presence of religious leaders of the city--to restore the environment of that region in the face of the destruction of war. Before us was the costly price for our inhumane behavior." - His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew


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