Nikolai-保力達 (Kyo-1 Best Rounds) KOF 2002 UM

Описание к видео Nikolai-保力達 (Kyo-1 Best Rounds) KOF 2002 UM

- Overall, this is a weaker version of Kyo that excels in a more defensive neutral game than default Kyo but lacks the damage-output default Kyo is capable of from a low-hitting hitconfirm combo as well as the great rushdown that makes default Kyo one of the best characters in the game. Not only does Kyo-1 lack the damage-output from low attacks in comparison but lacks the ability to get as much damage from a jump-in attack on an opponent from mid-screen. The amount of pluses that Kyo-1 have is incomparable to default Kyo, but nonetheless as a character, Kyo-1 is still a decent character and is still viable. It's just that Iori has a similar fireball game that Kyo-1 has but has better damage output and overall zoning combined with better mid-screen and corner pressure, options, and damage.

- Special Moves

108 Shiki: Yami Barai [Dark Thrust] - (qcf + A/C)

Kusanagi spikes a flame to the ground and it travels towards the opponent. Dark Thrust is a projectile and its versions determine the speed at which they travel. A version is slower and comes out faster and C version is faster but comes out slower. Unlike Kyo-1 Dark thrust Kusanagi's does not have OTG properties but is significantly faster.
108 Shiki: Yami Barai [Fire Ball] - (dp + A/C)

Kusanagi jumps in the air in a 360 motion surrounded with flames. Fire Ball is a standard dp. A/C determines how high he rises but its C version has extra hits and is special cancel-able but very unsafe on whiff or block. However, both versions have auto-guard on start up making it a good wake up tool to escape from pressure.
C version can be super canceled on hit
Both version have auto-guard
First hit special cancel-able
75 Shiki: Kai [New Wave Smash] - (qcf + B,B or D,D)

Kusanagi performs two twin rising kicks. New wave smash is one of Kusanagi's best tools. Although New Wave Smash does not do a lot of damage, it sets up the opponent to be wired, juggle, and caught in a reset while rushing down the opponent. The heavy kick version is best used after a close C or D, or the first hit from df+D in the corner to set up a juggle or reset, while the B version can be used as a pre-emptive anti-air but lacks juggle options.
The second hit can be delayed slightly to juggle the opponent higher
Can be Free Cancelled into
910 Shiki: Nue Tsumi [Instantaneous Smash] - (qcb + A/C)

Does a punch upward, if an enemy attack connects before this move becomes active, a counter move is activated.
The counter is activated during the start-up of this move which is very brief
Can counter only ground normal attacks including overheads and lows. The low attack counter is a hard knockdown

101 Shiki: Oboro Guruma [Spinning Kick] - (rdp + B/D)

Kusanagi vaults in the air performing a spin kick(B ver) and is followed up by another then ending with a heel drop (D ver). The Spinning Kick (both versions) are best used after successfully launching the opponent in the air with qcf+D, D in the corner, either to juggle the opponent again (B version) or to give the opponent a hard knockdown (D version).
Very punish-able if whiffed or blocked
Can be Free Canceled into
D version does hard knockdown on third hit

212 Shiki: Kototsuki You [Recitation of Sins] - (hcb + B/D)

Kusanagi dashes towards the opponent and strikes with his elbow (like Kyo-2 or original Kyo) then picks up the opponent with his other arm and explodes.
The light kick version (B) has Kusanagi running at half screen distance. The heavy kick version (D) is a full-screen run towards the opponent.
Unsafe if blocked but has a lot of push-back which can make it difficult to punish for certain characters
Can be super cancelled.

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KOF 2002UM - Nikolai-保力達 (Kyo-1 Best Rounds)
KOF 2002 Unlimited Match
Combos Kyo-1 kof 2002 UM


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