ਬਾਸਮਤੀ ਗੋਭ ਸੁੰਡੀ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ stem borer control in basmati rice

Описание к видео ਬਾਸਮਤੀ ਗੋਭ ਸੁੰਡੀ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ stem borer control in basmati rice

#Paddy #basmati #crop #insecticide

stem borer of basmati is dangerous.

Presence of brown coloured egg mass near the leaf tip.
In vegetative stage larva enters the stem and feeds on the growing shoot and causes drying of the central shoot known as “dead heart”.
In grown up plant whole ear heads become dried and yield chaffy grains called as “white ear”.

Identification of pest :
Scientific Name - Scirpophaga incertulas
Egg :
Eggs are creamy white, flattened, oval and laid in a mass which is covered with buff coloured hairs. They are laid mostly near the tip of the leaves. Egg period is 5-8 days.

Larva :
Pale yellow with dark brown head having prothoracic shield. Larval period is 28 to 30 days.

Pupa :
White silken cocoon. Pupation takes place inside the rice stem, straw or stubble. Pupal period is 8 to 10 days.

Adult :
Female moth :
Has bright yellowish brown with a black spot at the centre of the fore wings and a tuft of yellow hairs at the anal region.
Male moth :
Smaller with pale yellow forewings without black spot.


ETL: 10% Dead heart symptoms 2% white ear symtoms

Clip the seedling tips before transplanting to eliminate egg masses.

Install light trap @ 1 / ha and pheromone trap @ 5 / ac.

Release egg parasitoid, Trichogramma japonicum @ 2cc /ac 3 times at weely interval.

Spray Neem seed kernel extract 5% or Azadirachtin 0.03% 400 ml/ac.

Spray any one of the following insecticides

CartapHydrochloride 50 % SP 400 g/ac

Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC 60 ml/ac

Chlorantraniliprole 0.4% G 4 kg/ac

Chlorpyriphos 20% EC 500 ml/ac

Fipronil 5% SC 400-600 g/ac

Fipronil 80%WG 20-25 g/ac

Flubendiamide 20% WG 50 g/ac

Flubendiamide 39.35% M/M SC 20 g/ac


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