The aponeurotic Extensor expansion of the fingers; Formation and function

Описание к видео The aponeurotic Extensor expansion of the fingers; Formation and function

The aponeurotic extensor expansion, also known as the extensor hood or dorsal digital expansion, is a crucial anatomical structure in the hand. Let’s delve into its details:

Definition: The extensor expansion is a triangular aponeurosis formed by the tendons of the long extensor muscles of the posterior forearm. These tendons include the extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, and extensor digiti minimi.
Location: It resides on the dorsal aspect of the fingers.
Function: The extensor expansion serves several purposes:
Tendon Insertion: It provides a site for the extensor tendons to insert onto the phalanges (finger bones).
Stabilization: By surrounding the distal metacarpal head and proximal phalanx, it holds the extensor tendons in place.
Joint Movement: It allows coordinated extension at both the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints.
As the extensor tendons cross the metacarpophalangeal joint, the deepest fibers adhere partly to the posterior joint capsule, while the remaining tendon bulk passes through.
The tendons then flatten and fan out as they traverse the dorsal proximal phalanx.
Within the extensor expansion, the tendons separate into three slips:
Central Slip: Inserts onto the base of the middle phalanx.
Lateral Slips: Diverge laterally around the central slip and insert onto the base of the distal phalanx.
Thumb Variation: Unlike the other fingers, the thumb lacks a distinct extensor expansion. Instead, the tendons of the extensor pollicis brevis and extensor pollicis longus muscles insert separately into the proximal and distal phalanges. However, the extensor pollicis longus tendon does receive a fibrous expansion from the abductor pollicis brevis and adductor pollicis muscles, serving a similar purpose as the digital extensor expansion: securing the extensor tendon on the dorsal phalangeal surface.



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