Ecce Propheta - Chant of Tradition, Family and Property

Описание к видео Ecce Propheta - Chant of Tradition, Family and Property

Special thanks for the epic jolasveinarnir for translating the chant for me!

Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) (Portuguese: Tradição, Família e Propriedade) is an international movement of political/civic organizations of Traditionalist Catholic inspiration. The first TFP was founded by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira in Brazil in 1960, inspired by his 1959 book Revolution and Counter-Revolution. The TFP represented the furthest to the right faction during the military dictatorship.

Footage from "Bela marcha da TFP Êremo de Amparo, SP, 1980" by the channel "plinioaugusto1"


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