How To Work FASTER: Parkinson’s Law for Productivity

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How to work faster by using Parkinson’s Law for increased Productivity and Efficiency. Using these time management tips helps you to get more things done in less time, since you will be more productive with your time when getting tasks done more efficiently.

Have you ever had a project that could be done right away in just a few hours but since it didn't need to be done until 3 months, it went on the to-do list and stayed there for weeks? Then after a ton of mental procrastination, you start to work on it slowly throughout a couple of days. Once it's finished, you realize that you could have completed it within a few hours of intense concentration and achieved the same quality level. If this has ever happened to you, then I'm here to share a productivity tip that helps you be more efficient with your time, work faster and get more things done in less time.

PARKINSON'S LAW states that "A task will swell in importance the more time you allot to complete it." What this means is that the longer you give yourself to complete something, the more big and difficult it is going to feel. Because what usually ends up happening is that you're going to procrastinate and do other less important things. And even if you're distracting yourself, that task is going to take up your mental energy, giving you pressure and stressing you out, since it's still at the back of your head. So if you have 24 hours to complete a task, the time pressure forces you to focus on execution and you have no choice but to work faster.

So how do you use this law in your life?

The action step we can take from Parkinson's Law is to set shorter deadlines for yourself. Try setting time limits or deadlines for your tasks, meetings and everything you want to complete. If you give yourself forever to do something, it is going to take you forever to do it. Focused, intense attention for a short period of time is often better than extended, lazy attention over a long period of time.

When you do an activity, give yourself a set amount of time to finish, set a timer and push yourself to get it done during that time. If you're competitive, see it as a personal competition where you're trying to better than you were yesterday. In order to give a task 100% of your undivided attention, saying no to distractions is a must. Focus comes from eliminating distractions.

Being aware of Parkinson's Law can help you understand how your brain perceives time so you can make the most of your day by setting shorter time limits, which increases your focus and makes sure you're not wasting valuable time on the task. In this way, you can move on to the next task faster, so you can keep on going and keep on growing.

Thank you for watching and I'll talk to you next time!

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