Dr Randall Smith – The Seven Churches - Part 7 - Laodicea

Описание к видео Dr Randall Smith – The Seven Churches - Part 7 - Laodicea

In this compelling and insightful DVD series on the letters of Revelation 2 & 3, which Jesus wrote to the seven churches of Revelation through the quill of John, you’ll feel part of perhaps the most impactful journey into the very life of the early Church – as expounded by guide, Dr. Randall Smith.

Seventh of Seven DVDs: LAODICEA. Please join us on a trip to the three churches of the Lycas valley, namely the churches of Colossae, Laodicea and Hierapolis. We travel to all three of these sites where the three churches saw themselves as one church in three locations (Col 4:13).

Colossae was a place where agriculture was prolific and profitable. Hierapolis was a city center for pagan worship and Laodicea was a well-constructed city with many entertainment centers but also the city where the church had deep compromises in their walk with Jesus. Their major problem was that they thought they were “full” when they were actually “empty”. Therefore Jesus had to address them with very stern words. Laodicea is also the city where the first church building was erected, whereas before, the church had met in houses and villas. But this same building is also a very sad place due to decisions that were made there which affect the church of Jesus Christ even today.

During our visit to Hierapolis we get a sneak peek into the life of one of the last disciples who was martyred for his witness for Jesus.

Join us for an unforgettable experience that will make a definite impact on your walk with God.

This DVD was produced by Kerugma Productions, a faith-based venture that strives to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by means of high quality media productions. For more information please visit our website www.kerugma.org
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