Market Gardening In The Last Frontier

Описание к видео Market Gardening In The Last Frontier

The path to successful bio-intensive market gardening in the Last Frontier involves an enthusiasm to work in partnership with nature; to steward the soil and the multitude of organisms it contains and supports. As Alaskans contemplate the reality that a staggering 95% of food found in the grocery stores is imported, Emily Garrity and her Twitter Creek Garden operation are chipping away at this food insecurity and providing a roadmap for others to emulate. Aspiring to provide alternatives to the destructive standards of commercial agriculture, life-long Alaskan, Emily Garrity, shares her hard-won secrets in this biopic short film.

Our film is free to watch. If you find it interesting, please donate to our community fund, which helps share the harvest with those in need.

Please contact us if you would like to host a public screening or to include Market Gardening In The Last Frontier in your film festival.

film: Bjørn Olson, starring Emily Garrity, music: Colin McGovern, additional footage: John Whittier


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