How to turn sawdust into natural-scented incense

Описание к видео How to turn sawdust into natural-scented incense

Just in time for episode 2 of What's in That Pile, we got our first snow storm of the season, which meant it was time to get as cozy as humanly possible. And few things help me up hygge factor during a snowstorm than by burning a little natural wood incense.

That's right! You can make incense out of nothing more than sawdust, water, and a little bit of binder like xanthan gum! It's super easy.

So, follow along as I make a little incense holder, bake some cones out of the sawdust I made while making the holder, and then get all sentimental about the smell of juniper smoke.

Also, I talk to the chickens about the snowstorm. They weren't in the mood.

#woodworking #cozy #trees #incense

0:00 intro
1:17 making the incense holder
6:24 making incense cones
9:01 burning incense & talkin' juniper

#woodworking #trees #incense #diy


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