"Profound Teachings of Shams of Tabriz | Sufism & Mystical Wisdom"

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Shams of Tabriz, a mystical teacher and mentor to Rumi, left behind profound teachings that significantly influenced Sufism and Islamic mysticism. While Shams did not write extensively, his wisdom and insights have been captured through conversations and stories passed down by his followers. His teachings emphasize love, ego transcendence, and living in the present. Below are some key teachings attributed to Shams:

1. *Guardianship and Self-Control*
According to Shams, guardianship is about mastery over oneself—emotions, actions, and speech. It involves appropriately showing kindness or anger while maintaining inner balance.
"Guardianship is having control over one’s self, qualities, speech, silence, showing anger in the place of anger, and showing kindness in the place of kindness."

2. *The Light and Joy of Spirituality*
For Shams, possessing inner light and joy was a sign of being on the right spiritual path. He urged people to seek this light, as it would guide them to a place where death itself is embraced with joy.
"If light and joy within you make you long for death, congratulations; do not forget us in your prayers. Moreover, if you do not possess this light, strive to attain it."

3. *Embracing Death*
Shams taught that any state of being where one loves death is virtuous, as it reflects detachment from worldly life and a deep connection to the eternal.
"Any state or action in which you love death is good and virtuous."

4. *Pleasure and Regret*
Shams warned that indulgence in worldly pleasures would lead to greater regret. People who chase after material satisfaction become more attached to the world, increasing their sorrow.
"Do you think one who indulges in pleasure will have less regret? In truth, their regret will be greater."

5. *Resilience of the Dervish*
To Shams, the dervish (a Sufi mystic) is like a duck that remains unaffected by the harshness of the world. External difficulties do not penetrate their inner peace.
"What harm does the harshness of people cause to a dervish? Just as when the entire world is flooded, it does not harm the duck."

6. *The Value of True Love*
Shams valued the love of a true seeker over the accolades or recognition given to scholars or sages. The sincere devotion of a lover of God is priceless in comparison.
"I would not trade the dust from the shoes of a true lover for the status of the lovers and sages of the age."

7. *Seeing Beyond Appearances*
Shams encouraged people to look beyond external appearances and focus on the inner essence of things. Truth, he believed, was often hidden beneath the surface, and one must look deeper to find it.
"Do not look at my outward form, but take what is in my hand."
This teaching highlights the importance of perceiving the world with spiritual insight rather than relying solely on the physical senses.

8. *Union with the Divine*
A central theme in Shams' teachings is the mystical experience of unity with God. He advocated for the annihilation of the ego (fana) as the path to realizing the oneness of all existence.
"When you see with the soul, there is only One. You and I are merely the veil between the two worlds."

9. *Living in the Present Moment*
Shams emphasized the importance of living in the present, where God’s presence is most fully realized. Being stuck in the past or worrying about the future only distracts from the divine reality of the present.
"The past is the prison, and the future is a distraction. Only the present moment is your liberation."
This teaching invites a deep awareness of the now as the key to spiritual freedom.

10. *Ego and Selflessness*
One of Shams' most critical teachings is the need to transcend the ego. He taught that the ego prevents true spiritual enlightenment, and only by dissolving it can one experience the Divine fully.
"You will never reach God with the ego. Burn it in the fire of love."

###11. *Surrender to God*
Shams believed that the ultimate spiritual path lies in surrendering to God’s will. He encouraged letting go of personal control and trusting in the divine plan, which leads to inner peace.
"Surrender to what you cannot change. That is where the path begins."

Though his teachings are few, Shams of Tabriz's spiritual insights have had a lasting impact, particularly through their influence on Rumi's poetry. His lessons on love, ego dissolution, and living in the present moment continue to resonate in the mystical tradition of Sufism, inspiring seekers to this day. His wisdom reflects a deep understanding of the human condition and the path to spiritual fulfillment, urging individuals to seek inner transformation through love, selflessness, and surrender to the Divine.

   / @rumisrevelations  


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