Resident Evil 2: The last escape [ Playstation 1 MOD ]

Описание к видео Resident Evil 2: The last escape [ Playstation 1 MOD ]

Resident Evil 2 : The last escape it's my latest mod creation , and maybe the last one in a long time, as i already finished all my projects or upcoming mods. All the new stuff that feature this mod it's down below. So far this mod needs to be finished in terms like adding the custom intro and ending.

New Rooms
Randomized weapons and ammo
Randomized enemies
New routes
Hidden rooms
More enemies
Less red herbs
New enemies skins
Enemie drops
few new 3D models
New messages in some rooms
Runner Zombies in some rooms
Enemies in rooms where there wasn't before
Respawning certain enemies
New items
Extra credits :
I created the whole mod, but this fellows has helped me
and his efforts has to be recognized :

Rats and Nemesis EMD : Created by Andrew Coyte / Enrico
Komizo lab : Rotten zombie texture
PixelAvenger : Destiny rooms plus several editions on my side, visually and on the SCD in order to perform in a different way as it was intended
Us3r_Cr0ft : Hunk animations
You can follow all my mods updates on my twitter too !
🐦   / biohazardesp  
If you want to see old experiments and mods that i did on the past check this playlist :
✮🎮 More PSX Mods ( Resident Evil ) 🎮
   • Resident Evil Mods [PLAYSTATION 1]  


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