TIDAK PERLU MEMBELI Pakai RESEP ini Pasti Disayang Suami

Описание к видео TIDAK PERLU MEMBELI Pakai RESEP ini Pasti Disayang Suami


#gulaidaunsingkong (cassava leaf curry)
4 ikat daun singkong (4 handfuls of cassava leaves)
150 gr cabai (6 oz of chili)
1 ibu jari jahe (a dice of ginger)
2 jari kunyit (2 tbsp of turmeric)
2 ibu jari lengkuas (2 tbsp of galangal)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
5 siung bawang merah (5 bulbs of shallot)
7 btr kemiri (7 candlenuts)
1 sdm ketumbar (1 tbsp of coriander)
1 sdm lada (1 tbsp of pepper)
1/2 bh pala (half a nutmeg)
2 bh kapulaga (2 cardamoms)
1/2 ruas jari kayu manis (1/2 tsp of cinnamon)
1 bh bunga Lawang (a star anise)
1 sdt jinten (1 tsp of cumin)
1500 CC air (6 cups of water)
65 ml santan kental kemasan (1/4 cup of coconut milk)
3 sdt garam (3 tsp of salt)
1 sdt kaldu bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder)
1/2 sdt MSG (1/2 tsp of MSG)

#telurdadar (omelette)
6 btr telur (6 eggs)
6 sdm air/santan (6 tbsp of water or coconut milk)
12 sdm kelapa parut sangrai (12 tbsp of caramelized shredded coconut)
3 sdm tepung beras (3 tbsp of rice flour)
3 bt daun bawang (3 stalks of scallion)
50 gr kol (2 oz of cabbages)
6 bh cabai merah (6 pods of red chili)
3 siung bawang merah iris (3 bulbs of shallot, sliced)
3 sdm bumbu gulai (3 tbsp of curry solution)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk (1/2 tsp of stock powder)

200 gr cabai hijau (8 oz of green chili)
200 gr tomat (8 oz of tomato)
9 siung bawang merah iris (9 bulbs of shallot, sliced)
2 sdt garam (2 tsp of salt)

saya menggunakan panci #steincookware
#onyx #starpan

#foodprocessor #mito #omniblade #bl100

Omni Blade BL 100
Food Processor dengan 4 tingkat pisau
✓High end food Processor
✓1.5 L Glass Jar, 200 ml stainless steel
✓ with lock system for children (tidak akan menyala kalau posisi tidak terkunci)
✓watt 800

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Chopper & Food Processor Mitochiba bisa dibeli di sini👇


Panci/Wajan/pisau Steincookware bisa dibeli di sini👇

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