Pizza Tower Gerome's Side Project: Golf MMDCCXLI ALL CHEF TASKS (CYOP)

Описание к видео Pizza Tower Gerome's Side Project: Golf MMDCCXLI ALL CHEF TASKS (CYOP)

I'm not sure why the game gave me the vanilla golf chef task after the third secret, I didn't edit that in lol. Anyways, expect a video like this for every level in this mod soon.

This is from the Gerome's Side Project Mod by BirdTheBanana. I've really been enjoying playing it, go give it a try.

Honestly after playing this golf level more I might like it even more than the base game golf level. I finally was able to get the final course to work right, now it makes way more sense to me lol. Getting all the chef tasks while keeping combo was pretty easy here although I do expect to be challenged a little more for the next levels down the line.


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