【Chris Chang Ortho】CC434.

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How to Insert an Open Coil Spring between Molars for Proximal Caries Treatment?


Proximal caries is a common issue during orthodontic treatment and can be addressed by inserting an open coil spring to open up the contact space for caries treatment. However, it’s technically more challenging to insert a spring longer than a bracket’s width between molars. To facilitate this procedure, a tip is to cut a piece of spring slightly longer than the space between molar tubes, insert the compressed spring into the main wire and glue a resin ball to keep it compressed on the wire. This way the spring can be activated easily to open up the space.


在矯正過程中常遇到患者有臨接面齲齒的問題。通常我們會用彈簧彈開臨接面的空間,以進行齲齒填補。但是當鄰接面位於臼齒間,要放入超過一個矯正器長度的彈簧會很難操作。這時可剪一段比臼齒管(molar tube)間隙稍長一點的彈簧,穿入主線後,壓縮彈簧,再擠一粒樹脂球固定。如此一來就能快速讓彈簧施展彈力,打開空間。


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