
Описание к видео Plagiocephaly

It’s called plagiocephaly and it means the flattening of the head. “I would say nearly all babies at this point have some amount of plagiocephaly.” Pediatric Neurosurgeon Dr. Theodore Spinks said that’s in large part due to the back to sleep program. While it’s had a positive impact on infant deaths, that positioning has caused the rise in plagiocephaly. “Because their heads are soft and they don’t move much, especially newborns that are lying on their back. Many times, you’ll see either straight on their back or the back of their head seems to get very tall, or one side is pushed forward.”

Even if your baby has it, it doesn’t mean you need to be overly concerned. “That doesn’t affect intellect, doesn’t affect pressure inside the child’s head, doesn’t affect learning ability, nothing.” Dr. Spinks encourages parents to try to keep kids off the flat spot to try to slow the progression, “But you never win, they always end up back on that spot, but if you can slow it down or stop it until they start helping you out by moving around, then the heads shape starts to round out.”

It’s usually a bigger issue for children with developmental disabilities. The good news is as their brain grows, it will usually push the head into a more of round shape over time. “As you get to be an adult, it’s almost impossible to see even if it’s pretty severe,” said Dr. Spinks. If you have concerns over your baby’s head shape, speak with your pediatrician.

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