Things Go South On The North Arm Of Murtle Lake - Solo Canoeing

Описание к видео Things Go South On The North Arm Of Murtle Lake - Solo Canoeing

This episode is a continuation of my solo canoe trip on murtle lake. Murtle Lake is in Wells Gray Provincial Park, and it's the largest paddle only access lake in North America. Maybe even the world. In episode one, which can be seen here:
I paddled on the west arm of murtle lake for 2 days, and it was absolutely stunning. I had perfect conditions, beautiful sandy beaches, and fantastic sunsets. In this episode, part 2, I headed up into the north arm where things were different. First, 3 campsites on the west side of the north arm were closed due to fire. An active but contained fire. I had no real idea about what to expect, so I ended up getting caught out on the fire side when the wind picked up. The wind picked up pretty good at about 12:30 leaving me with 2 choices, stay on the fire side on a beach that was close to fire, or cross the lake in windy and wavy conditions. Feeling like the wind was going to get worse in the short time, I just went for the crossing. It wasn't super bad conditions, but it was pretty choppy, and I could hear thunder out in the distance. It was definitely not ideal. Ultimately I got to the other side, found a campsite, then braced myself for weather that never really came. In the morning I made the decision to end my trip, and paddled home. All in all, it was a great trip and an awesome adventure. It wasn't exactly the way I drew it up, but ultimately it's big Murtle that's in charge here. So all in all, I spent 4 day solo canoeing Murtle Lake and made 2 videos. I recommend both, and also all the videos from my ultimate summer adventure vanlife vacation. This is still just the beginning.

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Other than that, have a good day!


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