I Live... Again | Medievil (PS1) Review - TGX Game Reviews

Описание к видео I Live... Again | Medievil (PS1) Review - TGX Game Reviews

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Risen from the dead after 100 years, Sir Daniel Fortesque. Would be hero of Gallowmere. Now he's on a quest to rid Gallowmere of the ancient wizard Zarok. A cross between Jared Leto's Joker and Reta Repulsa. I know I say that in the video, but I was too proud of it not to use it again. Medievil is a classic to many, but is that also true to yours truly. Find out on the exciting second episode of the 4th annual 12 Days Of TGXmas. You'll pay for the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge.

The footage and images featured in the video were for critical review, satire and parody, which are protected under the Fair Use laws of the United States Copyright act of 1976. If you want a link to the original content or believe your content is being used not under fair use, send me a direct message.

#TGX #Medievil #Medievilreview


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