"Tonal Whiplash" The Game | Medievil 2 (PS1) Review - TGX Game Reviews

Описание к видео "Tonal Whiplash" The Game | Medievil 2 (PS1) Review - TGX Game Reviews

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The title may make you think that I'm playing my cards right from the beginning. Trust me though, there's much more nuance to this whole deal than you might think looking at the title of the video. So in this exciting 3rd episode of the 4th annual 12 Days Of TGXmas, we take a look at the second and ultimately final Medievil game. Fair warning, this game contains poorly implemented time travel and so the old pile of mulch that used to be a horse that is Thieves In Time is brought up again, but what more could you expect from me?

The footage and images featured in the video were for critical review, satire and parody, which are protected under the Fair Use laws of the United States Copyright act of 1976. If you want a link to the original content or believe your content is being used not under fair use, send me a direct message.

#TGX #Medievil #Medievil2 #Medievil2Review


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