Dragons of Etchinstone - How to Play

Описание к видео Dragons of Etchinstone - How to Play

Dragons of Etchinstone is an 18-card adventure game played without a table, completely in your hands. It's currently a work in progress. You can follow the game's progress on the WIP page on Board Game Geek: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2778...

I just noticed I mistakenly called XP "fame" a few times in my video. Can you tell I'm a Mage Knight fan?

I promised a list of circumstances, journey perils and enemy abilities:

Enemy Abilities - the icons on monster images

-- Poison (green drop icon): For each time you take damage in the combat, you must take 1 damage into your next hand. For example, if you had to take initial damage but not combat damage this encounter, immediately after drawing your next hand you must take 1 damage into your hand. This does not affect which cards you can upgrade or downgrade on the next encounter. If you had to take both initial and combat damage this encounter, you must take 2 damage into your next hand.

-- Ranged (bow and arrow icon): Ranged enemies deal their initial damage automatically, regardless of if you won initiative. You may, however, ignore the Ranged ability if you choose to discard your unused card this encounter (the one not used in the Action Set). Note that you do not have to discard this card until the Cleanup Phase.

-- Slow (turtle icon): You can use Move Actions against slow enemies as if they were Attack Actions.

-- Freeze (icicle icon): If enemies with the Freeze ability deal initial damage to you, you must discard your unused card from your hand after the encounter (the card that was not part of the Action Set). Note that you do not have to discard this card until the Cleanup Phase.

Journey Perils - the icons on journey images

-- Steep (the hiker icon): Increase the MP of Steep journeys by the Boost Value of the unused card in your hand this turn (the card that is not one of the 3 cards used for your Action Set).

-- Treacherous (the mountain trail icon): If you fail to attain a Complete Victory against Treacherous journeys, you must take 1 damage in addition to its time penalty.

Circumstances - the icons on action cards in the space below the encounter icon

Journey circumstances:
-- Night Travel (moon icon): You must subtract your Initiative value from your Booster value. You cannot go below zero Booster value.

-- Storm (cloud/lightning icon): You must take as much damage as you do time penalty.

Enemy circumstances:
-- Hazardous Environment (falling rocks icon): Lose 1 time every time you take damage this combat. This could be up to twice—once for Initial Damage and once for Combat Damage.

-- Ambush (cloak and sword icon): If you take Initial damage, take 2x damage.


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