Veal scallops with lemon sauce - italian recipe

Описание к видео Veal scallops with lemon sauce - italian recipe

Hello everybody from Sonia and welcome to Cucinaconnoi. Today I will propose you a simple and very popular dish: the veal scallops with lemon sauce. The ingredients we need for 4 portions are: 8 veal slices (preferably from first class meat cuts), the juice of a lemon, half glass of broth, 2 spoonfuls of flour, 40 grams of clarified butter, 2 spoonfuls of minced parsley, salt and pepper. Let's start cutting the scallops in order to make them oval-shaped, then we slightly tenderize them. Every meat slice must weigh between 60 and 70 grams. We add salt and pepper on both sides, then we slightly cover them in flour, also on both sides. Now we warm up some butter in a pan and we dip the first scallops, letting them cook on both sides for a couple of minutes. Once they're cooked, we go on cooking the remaining scallops this way. Once all the meat is cooked, we prepare the sauce. If the cooking grease is too much, we remove a part of it, then we add the lemon juice./ We bring the mixture to a boil, adding some broth, we let it warm up and then we place again the meat in the pan. /We let it cook a few minutes, till the sauce has got consistency; if necessary, we add some salt. Now the course is ready to be served. After placing the scallops on a serving dish and we pour the hot sauce over it, filtering it with a chinese strainer. / We finish spreading the meat with some minced parsley or with lemon slices previously dipped in parsley. For further information, I suggest you to visit our website Bye from Sonia and see you to the next video-recipe. Welcome to CucinaConoi English, the YouTube channel of, the popular Italian recipes website. Are you looking for a way to surprise your guests with a tasty original Italian recipe? Than you are on the right channel! Subscribe not to miss any new recipe clicking on this link    / @soniainglese7626   Have fun preparing our recipes!
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