Fighting Game Bosses 117. BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend - HIGHLANDER: Take-Mikazuchi boss battle

Описание к видео Fighting Game Bosses 117. BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend - HIGHLANDER: Take-Mikazuchi boss battle

BlazBlue suddenly went Mahvel on our asses. Take-Mikazuti can can be a challenging boss, especially if you are really unlucky. Usually, it will attack at Izanami's command (with each of her phrases corresponding with a certain attack). Izanami herself can also summon either energy spheres or laser turrets to assist the boss, both of which are extreamely dangerous since they can prevent you from interrupting Take-Mikazuchi's Distortion Drive. If you do interrupt its Distortion Drive, however, it will become stunned for a few seconds, which is the time you want to use your Overdrive and whatever heat you have at that point.


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