Fighting Game Bosses 240. Real Bout FF Special - Nightmare Geese boss battle

Описание к видео Fighting Game Bosses 240. Real Bout FF Special - Nightmare Geese boss battle

This is the first instance of Nightmare Geese. To reach him you must have 750,000 point by the time you beat Kauser and not lose a single round during your entire playthrough.
As for the fight itself, he's pretty underwhelming actually. Geese has all the usual attacks plus a Super Desperation I've never seen AI use. He can throw Double Shippuken twice, but you will be able to dodge out of the way after the first two projectiles. His only real advantage here are big damage and huge hitboxes. Otherwise, it's just Geese. You can still bait his throws with a jump attack, then retaliate.


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