Why the Novel Matters? Why it is Important? DH Laurence Bangla Summary

Описание к видео Why the Novel Matters? Why it is Important? DH Laurence Bangla Summary

Why the Novel Matters
Key Points

Important Questions
Why the Novel Matters

1. The one bright book of life [See A Study Guide, Page-89]
*2. The Bible as "a great confused novel" (See A Study Guide, Page-901
*3. Fantasy and the Novel [See A Study Guide, Page-91]
*4. Lawrence's view about a character in a novel [See A Study Guide, Page-92]
5. Rhythm and the novel [See A Study Guide, Page-931
6. Lawrence's attitude to religion [See A Study Guide, Page-94]

1. What, according to Lawrence, are the main reasons for the importance of the novel as a literary genre? To what extent do you find his views acceptable? / Why does Lawrence believe that the novel can help us best "to be a whole man alive?" [See A Study Guide, Page -99]

2. What is Lawrence's attitude to religion as propounded by him in the essay "Why the Novel Matters"?/ Why does Lawrence call the Bible "a confused novel" in his essay "Why the Novel Matters"? Illustrate your answer with reference to the text. [See A Study Guide, Page-101]

Key points: (Summary নিচে)
(এই বইতে যে যে বিষয় নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হয়েছে)

1. The Importance of Novels: Lawrence emphasizes the significance of novels as a unique form of storytelling. He believes that novels are special because they delve deeply into human emotions, thoughts, and experiences, offering insights into life that other forms of writing might not capture as effectively.

2. Understanding Life Through Novels: Lawrence argues that novels help us understand various aspects of life, such as love, relationships, and societal dynamics. They offer a glimpse into different perspectives and situations, allowing readers to empathize and relate to diverse characters and situations.

3. Emotional Connection: Novels create strong emotional connections between readers and the characters or situations portrayed. Lawrence believes this emotional involvement helps readers to empathize and develop compassion, fostering a deeper understanding of human nature.

4. Exploration of Important Issues: Novels, according to Lawrence, have the power to explore and shed light on significant issues in society, politics, and human behavior. They offer a platform for discussing important themes and challenging societal norms, encouraging critical thinking and awareness.

5. Changing Perspectives and Inspiring Change: Lawrence suggests that novels can influence how people perceive the world. By presenting alternative viewpoints and challenging established ideas, novels have the potential to inspire readers to think differently and perhaps even motivate them to bring positive changes in society.

These key points highlight Lawrence's belief in the unique value of novels as powerful tools that not only entertain but also educate, provoke thought, and evoke empathy.

"Why the Novel Matters" by D.H. Lawrence talks about how important novels are. Lawrence says that novels are special because they help us understand life better. He thinks novels are different from other kinds of writing because they dive deep into people's feelings and thoughts. Lawrence believes novels teach us about different parts of life, like love, relationships, and how society works.

In this book, Lawrence talks about how novels connect with us emotionally. He explains that novels make us feel like we're living the experiences of the characters. They help us see the world from different perspectives, like walking in someone else's shoes. Lawrence thinks this is important because it helps us become more understanding and compassionate towards others.

Moreover, Lawrence believes novels are essential because they can make us think about big ideas and important issues. They can show us the truth about society, politics, and human behavior. He thinks novels have the power to change how people see the world and inspire them to make things better.

Overall, Lawrence thinks novels matter a lot because they help us learn, feel, and grow. He believes they're more than just stories; they're powerful tools that can shape our minds and our hearts.


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