Rat Ear Types

Описание к видео Rat Ear Types

There are two types of ears
Dumbo ears and Standard ears, while standard eared rats are often referred to as top eared rats, it is not the correct term.

How to identify EAR types in pups
Standard and dumbo eared rats can be identified in rat pups from about day 8 to 10 after the ears unfold and point backwards.
DUMBO EARS, viewed from the top, will be slightly pointing outwards and not so easily manipulated while STANDARD EARS will be parallel to each other in the resting position.

The ears should be set apart on the head, standing erect and should be free from folds and creases. They should be rounded in shape and of good size.
The standard ear does not have a genetic code as it is the natural ear type of rats.
In a Dumbo line, a carrier or non-carrier standard eared rat can be documented as:
DU/DU – Non Dumbo carrier
DU/du – Dumbo carrier

Ears to be large and round and set low on the sides of the head. The base of the ears is set at the back of the cheek and are wider and more open than in standard rats. Head shape is similar to that of standard rats although it may appear different due to position of ears. Body may be stockier than in standard rats
Dumbo is a recessive gene:
DU/DU – Standard Ear
DU/du – Dumbo carrier
du/du – Dumbo
Faults to avoid when breeding dumbo eared rats include pointed ears (aka tulip ears or pixie ears) and creased ears or folded ears. Show quality dumbo eared rats have large, open and round ears without any creases.
Select rats with nice size and shaped ears, with ears angled backwards, thus avoid breeding rats with dish ears.

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