【山林蟲坊】金門姬兜飼養全記錄 | Xylotrupes gideon tonkinensis: Full Record of Rearing

Описание к видео 【山林蟲坊】金門姬兜飼養全記錄 | Xylotrupes gideon tonkinensis: Full Record of Rearing

Xylotrupes gideon tonkinensis is the tenth native Dynastinae found in Taiwan so far. It is distributed in Kinmen County, and its main ethnic group is on Dadan and Erdan Island in Lieyu Township. Because it was a military control area in the past, it was not opened for trial operation until 2015. According to media reports and military officers who once served on the island, it was confirmed that Xylotrupes are found on the island, so people gradually began to obtain and raise them! At the beginning of April 2022, my friend Ajia gave me 11 larvae of Xylotrupes gideon tonkinensis, and they have emerged now! Let's see this super cute native Xylotrupes today!

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#甲虫 #カブトムシ #ヒメカブト
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