【山林蟲坊】婆羅洲神山姬兜飼育全記錄 | Xylotrupes pachycera: Full Record of Raising and Breeding

Описание к видео 【山林蟲坊】婆羅洲神山姬兜飼育全記錄 | Xylotrupes pachycera: Full Record of Raising and Breeding

The Xylotrupes pachycera that my friend Ajia gave me in October last year has already gotten results. Xylotrupes pachycera has stubby thoracic and cephalic horns and looks quite cute! So let’s take a look at the breeding, mating, emergence and reproduction of this Xylotrupes!

前情提要 | Previously:
【山林蟲坊】友人的情誼 & 雞冠細身幼蟲開箱 | The Friendship & Unboxing Cyclommatus mniszechi Larvae
   • 【山林蟲坊】友人的情誼 & 雞冠細身幼蟲開箱 | The Friendsh...  

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#山林蟲坊 #神山姬兜 #婆羅洲姬兜 #甲蟲 #飼育 #兜蟲 #幼蟲 #羽化 #交配 #繁殖 #成蟲
#甲虫 #カブトムシ #ヒメカブト
#mfbeetles #Xylotrupespachycera #Xylotrupes #pachycera #beetle #breeding #rhinocerosbeetle #larva #emergence #mate #reproduction #imago


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