Ram Naam Uchara (Taarak Mantra) by Pt. Upendra Bhat

Описание к видео Ram Naam Uchara (Taarak Mantra) by Pt. Upendra Bhat

Chanting 15 minutes daily of Ram Naam has countless benefits. Ram Naam when combined with breathing exercises works like magic and here are some practical benefits:
1. Removes Stress, improves concentration and focus.
2. Improves Health.
3. Improves Business and Creativity.
4. Relieves Planetary effects.
5. Improves relation with your family.
For all this benefits, if you seek any medicinal or any psychological advice then you will loose handsome about of money and time. Also every medicine comes with some side effects and addictive. But chanting Ram Naam is free of cost, side effects and definitely worthy.
Download mp3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byy9...


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