SHOT PUT Conditioning Part 1 The Legs by Didier POPPE .m4v

Описание к видео SHOT PUT Conditioning Part 1 The Legs by Didier POPPE .m4v

If you don't know what to do in Training , If you get bored doing always the same Routine exercises , If you want to develop your Power and not only your Strength , If you want to make faster PROGRESSES , If you want to look like an Athlete and not like a big mass of muscles , If you want to challenge yourself and your body and not stay in a comfort zone , If you want to make the best use of your training time , If you want to have more fun , If you want to become a better potential thrower.... You have to watch this video , then ask yourself a few questions ...and eventually see if it is not too late for some changes and simply TRY to get more out of yourself !!!
Still to come : Part 2 : Trunk exercises - Part 3 : Arms exercises - Part 4 : Mixed exercises


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