Days 46-49 | Signs of Progress! (2/3) | Teaching Our Cats to Talk

Описание к видео Days 46-49 | Signs of Progress! (2/3) | Teaching Our Cats to Talk

Part 2/3 of making some progress with the GARAGE button! Teaching our cats to talk takes a lot of patience and consistency. A lot. We're still goin' and we hope you are too! Stay tuned for more!

You'll see later in the video that we took away the hextile. Max was focusing so much on the hextile and (presumably) thinking that standing on it was enough instead of trying to press the button. Once we took it away he immediately paid more attention to the button! One caveat though - if you try this, just note that the buttons have 3 legs and are kinda wobbly if Kitty tries to step on just the edge while learning. Max has flipped the buttons many times, although he's gotten the hang of using them without the tiles too (like the 'INSIDE' button... spoilers!!!).

If you're curious, here's a list of the planned upcoming videos:
- Days 50-54
- TREAT (Day 54)
- Days 55 - 109 (may be a few videos)
(after this we may stop doing 'days')
- PETS Button
- Labeling the Buttons
- (Surprise Video!)
- Explaining the Hextiles
(and more to come!)

The Kitties:
LUIGI: Male, tuxedo DSH, age 13.5 yrs, grumpy Hufflepuff (Grumplepuff).
----- ID: crooked mustache, black chin, and black leg spots.
MAX: Male, tuxedo DSH, age 2.5 yrs, [unwillingly] on a diet, Slytherin.
----- ID: white legs, white chin, no 'stache.


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