Does Aid REALLY Help People? Masako Yonekawa at TEDxWasedaU

Описание к видео Does Aid REALLY Help People? Masako Yonekawa at TEDxWasedaU

Do good wills always translate into goodness? Speaking from her years of experience as a humanitarian aid worker, Ms Masako Yonekawa will lead us to look at humanitarian aid from a new perspective, examine what have gone wrong, and propose her simple and ingenuitive solutions on how to improve the situation.

Masako Yonekawa had worked in UNHCR as a humanitarian aid worker countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Sudan and Republic of Congo. She was the Executive Assistant to the High Commissioner in Geneve (Headquarter), Emergency Response Team Leader in Chad, Indonesia and South Sudan, and Head of Field Office in Goma, DRC. She serves as Visiting Senior Adviser at JICA as well as Researcher at Human Rights Watch.

Her publication includes A Critical Analysis of South African Peacemaking~ How can another deadly conflict in the African Great Lakes region be prevented in the future? (2011), The Worst Conflict in the World,Congo ~the country that has everything but peace (in Japanese) (2010)

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