4 Easy Knee Alignment Drills for Kids | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

Описание к видео 4 Easy Knee Alignment Drills for Kids | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

#kids #kneeexercises #shinsplints

Does your child's knee go inwards and foot collapse when they run and play sport? It's a common thing and not necessarily a bad thing when they are young. But if it's starting to cause problems like shin splints, achilles (sever's) pain and knee pain then try these simply yet effective exercises to help the issue.

Chances are the majority of inward rolling knee and outwards moving foot is it's coming from the hip, but just doing glute exercises is not going to fix it. Neuromuscular programming and strengthening in all areas of the chain is important. The key with all these exercises is to make them fun (as much as you can!) as well as giving them cues that they will understand.

1️⃣ Banded Clams
2️⃣ Isometric One Leg Ball Squat
3️⃣ Medial Arch Lifts
4️⃣ Step Down

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