Lettice Knollys - The Tudor Royal Love Triangle

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Lettice Knollys - The Tudor Royal Love Triangle

During the Tudor Period, to get on the wrong side of the monarchy was something that you could pay for with your life. Henry VIII was known for executing those who disagreed with him, and he would not make exemptions on this even for his close friends. However Elizabeth I was also regarded as equally as stubborn, and she was a woman who you certainly did not want to get on the wrong side of. She was of course the daughter of Henry VIII and was known for having a fiery side. One woman who did encounter the fierce nature of the Queen was Lettice Knollys, who when looking at some images of her could easily be mistaken for Elizabeth I herself with her large spectacular gowns and red hair. However she incurred the wrath of the Queen following her marriage to a man many have deemed to have been Elizabeth’s true love.


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