The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Episode 12: Uncovering Memories and Meeting New Foes

Описание к видео The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Episode 12: Uncovering Memories and Meeting New Foes

Welcome back to another thrilling episode of my Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild adventure! 🌟

On this episode, I start off with a mishap—my voice mic wasn't picking up my voice. Luckily, I realized it soon and restarted. However, this is an AWESOME episode. This was a very long recording, so I have split it into multiple parts so that it's easy for everyone to watch and keep track of. This will be part 1 of 4.

In this one, we get some more korok seeds. Now, this is becoming a common thing. However, I think Baiju (wasn't this the name) isn't there to collect the Korok seeds anymore, which, when looking for him, I found out in this episode. So, I'm not sure what I can do now with them. Maybe he will show up somewhere later? Let's see. I meet some new rock enemies that reminded me of Geodude from Pokémon. 😄

That wasn't the last of the new kind of enemies I got to see today. I encountered some HUGE, difficult ones as well! Did I fight them? By now, you must know the answer to this—haha! Anyway, I met these new monsters on my way to unlock another memory. This memory was also SO GOOD. I can't wait to find more of them.

Remember, last time I had forgotten to show my Sheika Slate to the other research guy? This time, we go back to him to find out how awesome, although annoying, the camera feature actually is. I tried doing some side missions that were left but decided to come back to them later.

I realized after going pretty far that I was going in the wrong direction with a horse. I had to abandon my horse in between so that I could reach places quicker. I feel so sad. 😢

With a heavy heart, I reach a shrine and complete the challenge. Just after getting out, I see someone that resembles a person from the memory we had seen earlier. They tell me there's a prince waiting for me somewhere! I wonder what the prince wants. Is it a trap?

About the Game:
✨ Name: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
✨ Publisher: Nintendo
✨ Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Wii U
✨ Release Date: March 3, 2017
✨ Website:


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