Castor oil Health & Beauty benefits||Ayurcharya||Dr.Sajitha Dijin||

Описание к видео Castor oil Health & Beauty benefits||Ayurcharya||Dr.Sajitha Dijin||

Castor oil is used both externally and internally in Ayurvedic treatment. Its usage in mentioned in a variety of disorders. It is also told as a rejuvenative and anti aging medicine. It is excellent in relieving Vata and Kapha disorders. It is also used in Panchakarma therapy.

It acts as tonic , laxative and helps in rejuvenation.
It is also useful in relieving worm infestation, Abdominal colic, intermittent fever,  skin diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis, hemorrhoids with hard stool problem and constipation.

The essential fatty acids that castor oil contains help in restoring the skin's natural moisture balance. Apply castor oil gently on your face and massage in circular motions.

Castor oil can be used on the scalp to help prevent and remedy hair loss and it is effective at this for several reasons. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties make it beneficial against follliculitus, dandruff, and scalp infections and its ricinoleic acid content helps increase circulation to the scalp and improve hair growth.



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