Using Pressure Points to Manage Severe Bleeding - SIX ECHO

Описание к видео Using Pressure Points to Manage Severe Bleeding - SIX ECHO

Using pressure points to slow to stop severe bleeding - Six Echo Systems

Pressure points are areas where the arteries come close to the surface of the skin. This is where you can apply pressure to slow or temporarily stop arterial bleeding until you can apply a tourniquet or pack the wound. We only have about 5 liters of blood in our bodies that blood is critical to keep a trauma victim alive. If the trauma victim looses too much blood then lots of bad things start happening including confusion, drop in blood pressure, organs failing or worse. We must stop the bleeding as fast as possible and if there are any delays in getting the proper equipment to stop the bleeding, we can provide direct pressure to these pressure points to by us time to get a tourniquet on or pack the wound.

Keep bleeding control equipment with or near you at all times. It could save a life. Practice with the tools you carry. Know your gear. Get training. In person training. YouTube can be helpful but in person training with knowledgeable and credible instructors is ultimately what you should be shooting for.

Stay Vigilant! Stay Safe!

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained in this video are for informational purposes only. No material in this video is intended to be a substitute for professional medical training or advice. Always seek out proper certified medical training, never operate outside your scope of practice and follow your local guidelines and laws regarding medical care and treatment.


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