November 84 Documentary

Описание к видео November 84 Documentary

After the sangat's overwhelming response to the groundbreaking "Battle of Amritsar", the first documentary that focussed on Sikh resistance in June 84, our team is working on a sequel we aim to release this November to commemorate the 40 year anniversary of 1984.

Our first documentary “Battle of Amritsar” was screened in theatres, Gurdware, and Sikhi Camps across the UK, USA, Canada and Australia and was watched by thousands of people.

Our new documentary will tell the story of the violence perpetrated against Sikhs across India in November '84, focussing on firsthand accounts of survivors and witnesses.

Similar to our first project, we aim to tell the story from an unapologetic perspective rooted in the resilience and revolutionary spirit of Sikh history. This new documentary explores what the concept of “justice” means from a Sikh perspective and how Sikhs respond to and emerge from violent episodes (ghallugharay) like June and November ’84.

Our goal is to empower Sikh viewers to embrace and celebrate the resistance and shahadat experienced in June and November ’84, rather than lament a story of violence and victimhood.

Our first project was possible because of the support of Sangat and panthic institutions, and similarly we need your support to make this new documentary a reality.

We have already begun production of the new documentary with filming in Canada and the UK, and we need support to finish this project this November.

Please donate whatever you can and share this link with family and friends.


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