Unreal Engine 5 | 'Talking to Gods' | Short cinematic | Raytracing & Lumen

Описание к видео Unreal Engine 5 | 'Talking to Gods' | Short cinematic | Raytracing & Lumen

Hey ya'll. My last video got a little bit of traction on YT and on social media for which I'm super duper thankful. (:

Got confident enough to share another WIP - project with you guys. Well, actually the term WIP would imply that I'm still working on it but the cold hard truth is that unfortunately I've lost every single project file thanks to a hard drive crash. I was stupid enough to not have any backups. -.-'

Well, I really didn't want the remaining renders I did for this project to simply die on my new hard drive. So I've edited together a simple piece, added slight color grading, sound design and a musical piece of Ryan Taubert which fit the mood imo. Post Processing was made in DaVinci Resolve Studio.

I know that the narrative in some parts doesn't make any sense since there's still missing so much footage, but that single project is more like a learning experience. I've learned so so much about constructing environments, creating my own Niagara Systems, Vertex Painting, using sequencer, foliage, handmade animations and some nasty detail work. Had about 376 crashes along the way but it was totally worth it. Please consider this project as a tangy teacher which gave me the confidence to work more solution-oriented and more focussed on the narrative for things to come.

Everything was rendered with Lumen with Raytraced Shadows and Reflections. Thanks so much to Everett Gunther who built UDS and UDW and has helped me enormously with setting up an amazing dynamic sky - system. Check it out on the Marketplace: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketpl...

If you want to see more of my work, make sure to follow me on IG:   / alman_hd  

Thanks for reading!


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