Fuyunghai - Foe Yong Hai ala Chinese Restoran ( a Chinese Indonesian omelette )

Описание к видео Fuyunghai - Foe Yong Hai ala Chinese Restoran ( a Chinese Indonesian omelette )

#fuyunghai #foeyonghai #indoculinairehunter
Hari ini saya membagikan resep fuyunghai atau foe yong hai ala chinese restoran yang sangat terkanal dan enak banget. Cara membuat fuyunghai sangat mudah dan bahan-bahan nya mudah didapat. Mulai sekarang tidak perlu lagi ke chinese restoran untuk menikmati fuyunghai tapi kita bisa membuatnya sendiri di rumah pasti semua anggota keluarga senang.
Fuyunghai rasanya manis asam dan gurih. Fuyunghai cocok sekali untuk berbagai acara makan atau menu sehari-hari keluarga.
Selamat mencoba resepnya semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa like, komen, share dan subscribe untuk mendukung channel ini. Terimakasih slaam sehat selalu..

Telur ayam 5 butir
Kol 100 gram
Wortel 1 buah diparut atau iris memanjang
Daging ayam giling 100 gram
Udang 100 gram di cincang
Daun bawang 2 batang
Merica bubuk 1/3 sendok makan
Garam 1/3 sendok makan
Tepung terigu 3 sendok makan

Bawang bombay 1 buah
Kacang polong mateng 100 gram
Tomat pure atau tomat pasta atau saos tomat 2 sendok makan
Kecap Inggris 1 sendok makan
Garam 1/3 sendok makan
Minyak 10 sendok makan
Air 250 cc
Tepung maizena 1/2 sendok makan dilarutkan air 100 cc

Today I am sharing a recipe for fuyunghai or foe yong hai in the style of a Chinese restaurant which is very famous and really delicious. How to make fuyunghai is very easy and the ingredients are easy to get. From now on, there is no need to go to a Chinese restaurant to enjoy fuyunghai, but we can make it ourselves at home, for sure all family members will be happy.
Fuyunghai tastes sweet and sour and savory. Fuyunghai is perfect for various meals or family daily menus.
Enjoy trying the recipe, hope it's useful, don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to support this channel. Thank you, always healthy..

5 chicken eggs
Cabbage 100 grams
Carrot 1 fruit grated or sliced ​​lengthwise
Ground chicken meat 100 grams
Shrimp 100 grams chopped
Leeks 2 sticks
Pepper powder 1/3 tablespoon
Salt 1/3 tablespoon
Wheat flour 3 tablespoons

Onion 1 piece
Peas cooked 100 grams
Tomato puree or tomato paste or tomato sauce 2 tablespoons
Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon
Salt 1/3 tablespoon
Oil 10 tablespoons
Water 250 cc
Cornstarch 1/2 tablespoon dissolved in 100 cc of water


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