Session Sit In: Opening up Hip Mobility in a Powerlifter using Manual Therapy, Graston, ART

Описание к видео Session Sit In: Opening up Hip Mobility in a Powerlifter using Manual Therapy, Graston, ART

Powerlifters are a different breed of athlete. We will commonly see hip and low back pain among our powerlifting brethren, and in many cases, persists despite rehab and other traditional interventions. In this video, I demonstrate manual therapy techniques like Active Release, Graston Technique (IASTM), as well as sports massage, deep tissue work, joint mobilizations and PRI breathing techniques. I also discuss common misconceptions about treating and working with competitive powerlifters, and the unique demands that must be accounted for when coming up with an intervention program.
Video Index:
0:42 - Psoas/Illiacus Release
1:33 - Hip Mobility Deficits
8:43 - Mobility Considerations for Powerlifting
10:34 - Quad Release/Deep Tissue
13:39 - IASTM Quad
16:37 - IASTM Hip Flexor Bundle
18:10 - Utilizing the elbow for sustained deep tissue work
19:20 - Why I don't like to remove lifting during rehab with powerlifters
22:15 - Deep Hip Rotator Release (Glute Med, Piriformis, Obturator)
24:45 - Glute Medius Release in Sidelying
26:29 - Contract/Relax for Glutes
27:00 - Quadratus Lumborum(QL) Release
28:55 - IASTM for QL/Lumbar Perispinals
31:00 - PRI, Right Apical Expansion Technique
32:31 - Hip Traction, Tension Reset
33:37 - Treatment Review/Other Implications for Treating Powerlifters

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In Strength & Health,


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