Gurudev Ramlal Siyag's Sanjeevani Mantra | गुरुदेव श्री रामलाल जी सियाग का संजीवनी मंत्र

Описание к видео Gurudev Ramlal Siyag's Sanjeevani Mantra | गुरुदेव श्री रामलाल जी सियाग का संजीवनी मंत्र

▷ About this video (इस वीडियो के बारे में):
→ This is Sanjeevani Mantra.
→ It has the power to cure any disease and take the seeker to the highest level of spiritual evolution leading to salvation
→ If you are suffering from any disease, it will be cured if you mentally chant this mantra regularly with faith. For more details about this spiritual practice.

ⓘ About Sanjeevani:
In the timeless epic Ramayana, during the war between Lord Ram and Ravana, Laxman ji became unconscious when he was hit by an arrow.

Hanuman ji brought the 'Sanjeevani' herb, which was given to Laxmanji and he regained consciousness. Similarly, this is life giving 'Sanjeevani Mantra', by chanting it regularly, all kinds of diseases are cured, person becomes stress free and the life is transformed forever.

ⓘ About Sanjeevani Mantra:
Under the spiritual discipline, a mantra is potent only when it is given by a spiritual master to someone whom he has accepted as a disciple.
→ The repetition of a mantra, called Japa, results in full utilization of its potential.
→ Mere reading of a mantra from the text would be an exercise in futility, as the word would lack the divine vibratory sound which only a Guru, well-versed in spirituality, can give.
→ Even an illiterate person, lacking knowledge of scriptures or philosophy, can therefore experience full potential of a mantra if he receives it from the Guru, and practices it under his guidance.
→ When mantras are directed for reaching the higher planes of consciousness, they can take the practitioners to greater heights of spiritual awakening and eventual freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

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ⓘ About Ajapa' Jap:
The silent repetition of the mantra is called 'Jap'. After continuous chanting of the mantra for over a fortnight or a month, the disciple doesn’t have to make an effort to chant; the chanting happens automatically on its own whether he/she is awake or sleeping.
→ This state is known as 'Ajapa' Jap (roughly translated as involuntary chanting).
→ When chanting of Mantra is accompanied by regular meditation, it slowly unleashes a wave of Ananda (bliss), which is so soothing that the disciple feels he/she is on a high, and doesn’t want to come out of it.
→ Indian saints have described this state of Ananda as pure bliss. The Ananda brought on by the Mantra and meditation is incomparable to the calming effect of any addictive thing. It doesn’t depend on any external inducement and lasts forever.

→ This is totally 'Free of Cost' and requires no change in lifestyle or food habits.

-- Hindi Translation --
( हिंदी अनुवाद )
गुरुदेव सियाग सिद्धयोग, मंत्र जप व ध्यान पर आधारित एक अद्भुत योग है। यह योग (सिद्धयोग) नाथमत के योगियों की देन है। समर्थ सद्गुरुदेव श्री रामलाल जी सियाग पिछले 30 वर्षों से भी अधिक समय से शक्तिपात दीक्षा द्वारा साधकों की कुण्डलिनी जाग्रत कर रहे हैं।

गुरुदेव के दिए संजीवनी मंत्र का जाप और सुबह-शाम ध्यान करने से सभी प्रकार के रोगों एवं नशों से सहज में मुक्ति मिल जाती है। मंत्र का लगातार जाप करने पर वह ‘अजपा’ हो जाता है जिससे साधक को असीम आनन्द व शांति मिलती है तथा साधक जीवन मुक्त हो जाता है।

गुरुदेव सियाग के चित्र पर ध्यान करने से साधक को उसके शरीर की आवश्यकता के अनुसार ध्यान के समय यौगिक क्रियाएँ स्वतः होने लगती हैं। इससे साधक सभी प्रकार के शारीरिक व मानसिक रोगों एवं नशों से मुक्त हो जाता है। नियमित साधना करने पर साधक की वृत्तियों में बदलाव आने से वह असीम शांति और आनन्द का अनुभव करता है।

→ यह पूर्णतः निःशुल्क है।

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Symbols used:
▷ : About this video (इस वीडियो के बारे में)
ⓘ : Information about topic (विषय के बारे में जानकारी)
→ : Important points to note (ध्यान देने योग्य कुछ बातें)
- - - - : Separator (सेपरेटर)

Copyright: This is a copyright material of Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodhpur. You are requested not to use this video in any which way without the permission of the organization. The organization may take lawful action against the violators.


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