Slate Digital CUSTOM EQ Demo - The ALL STAR of EQs 🔥

Описание к видео Slate Digital CUSTOM EQ Demo - The ALL STAR of EQs 🔥

What if there was one equalizer that could recreate the best aspects of some of the greatest equalizers in the industry? Imagine ONE EQ that could have the silky top end of classic tube EQ's, the clear and present midrange of some of the great discrete EQ's, and the fat low end of vintage mastering EQ's – all in one module. Introducing the CUSTOM SERIES Equalizer by Slate Digital.

The Custom EQ is like an EQ All-Star team. It’s the result of studying over a dozen classic analog EQ’s, and identifying all the best attributes of each of them, and then piecing these best attributes together in one EQ. So that means that every band of the Custom EQ has it’s own uniquely modeled boost design, it’s own distinct attenuation design, and even its own analog modeled output section with rich musical harmonics to give it a lively analog vibe. But despite the EQ’s hybrid nature, you’ll find it to be extremely cohesive, intuitive, and really really natural sounding.

The high band boost is inspired by really smooth and open sounding tube mastering EQ’s so they’re going to add dimension, clarity, and depth... but without sounding thin and harsh. The upper midrange band boost is inspired by a combo of classic analog EQ’s, and it’s designed to increase the presence, impact, and punch but without sounding honky, nasal, and abrasive. The low-mid and low band boosts were inspired by a vintage solid state mastering EQ. They will add warmth, punch, and bigness without sounding boxy, boomy, or muddy.

And again, the cuts of each band have their own character and shape too, all optimized for their specific roles… so the Custom high band will reduce the thinness and harshness of your source but it won’t take away clarity… the upper-mid cut is designed to transparently remove the abrasive and nasal qualities without removing presence… the low-mid cut can remove the boxiness and mud without removing the warmth.. the low-end cut can remove boominess without making the source sound weak and weightless, and the high and low pass filters are designed with an extremely gentle slope so that they always make the audio source remain natural.

Get the Custom EQ and all other Slate Digital Plugins in the Slate Mix/Master and Mix/Master FX Bundle!


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